Something to sell? Need help?
Members may put a classified here for horse related items for sale, loan or help requests. Invicta Riding Club takes no responsibility for the adverts and they will be approved by the committee before going live.
Saddle fitting made simple
Looking for a saddle fitter, we provide saddle fitting services in Kent, East Sussex, Surrey and Essex. We cover
Saddle fitting with assessments and adjustments done on site.
Remedial saddle fitting
Full reflocks
Selection of new and second hand saddles for sale
Leather repair work
Looking for a physiotherapist to help your horse or you as a rider?
Kate Haynes is a Chartered Human Physiotherapist, Veterinary Physiotherapist and Equipilates™ Biomechanics Trainer, based in Kent. Core Equestrian Phyisotherapy offers:
Equine Physiotherapy assessment and treatment
Rider Physiotherapy
Equipilates™ Rider assessment and Pilates